I love when women get back their glow. Younger women, teenagers and girls are watching and you are INSPIRING!!

But what if you need to “feed the fire” first.

I help you to uncover what it is you want to do now. And I am a master at getting that out of people – misguided modesty, self limitations and being small hide the real gems – the good stuff doesn’t stay hidden for long.

I help you navigate the relationships that your new-found glow will affect. Cos your people want you to stay the way you are. It suits them nicely. Your glowing makes them feel uneasy, but you will easily convince them that this is for the better – for both of you.

I help you silence your biggest critic and party pooper of all – yourself. Ooooh, this is a fun one. We are crafty with our self talk. We excuse our sheepish behaviour with very reasonable stories (read Big Fat Lies) of lack of time / money / energy / fill in the blank. And it’s ooooohhh so believable, until I call you out on it and gently redirect you back into the ring of “doing and being fabulous”.

I get serious chills when women use their passion and nurturing to give back to the world. Where would we be if people weren’t willing to take a stand for:

Children, The Elderly, The Poor, The Hungry, The Oceans, Clean Streets, Safe Communities, Culture, Art, History, Faith, Green Space, Animals, Farming, Health, The Wilderness, Exploring, Education, Freedoms, Entrepreneurship….the list is endless.

Whether helping as a career or adding meaning by volunteering, finding where they can contribute has been life changing for many of my clients.

And I do this through coaching. I am fully certified through Coaches Training Institute and recognized by the International Coaching Federation. People fascinate me and psychology is my passion. I am a student of life and am constantly learning strategies for a best life, through research, studying and my own life observations and happenings, which I  then pass on to you.

So, you are interested in what I stand for and want to know a bit about me. Well, alright then…

I’ve been living in Canada for the last 20 years, and yes, you can detect a hint of an accent. No it’s not South African, I’m from England. No, not London. A city in the north called Leeds. Can you tell you’re not the first to ask?

So I’m British, which means I REALLY get sarcasm, but I’ve weaned myself off since having children. They weren’t having the same fun with it that I was!

I have 3 wonderful daughters. It’s true about Fathers and Daughters, my girls always knew they had their Daddy wound round their little fingers and would choose Team Daddy in a “Divide and Rule Errand Running Day”. That is until they get to their teens and then they return to me (mwaaahahaha – evil laugh).

“Daddy”, aka my fab husband Adam, is an extra lean specimen of a man as he is an Ironman and Ultra Marathoner . I’m seriously jealous of his ability to stick to a workout plan and burn calories like I burn garlic bread. But he’s lovely, so we’ll forgive him.

I would (not so secretly) love to start a girl’s coaching program that identifies and changes bullying within so-called groups of friends. Me and 2 of my daughters have all experienced this so I know it’s a biggie.

Buying books faster than I can read them is a weakness of mine.

I can’t live without my family.

When there’s a great beat – I must dance!

Running, and sometimes yoga, are my favorite ways to sweat.

Most people don’t know I’m an introvert and totally fine with being a party of one.

So, that’s a brief intro, I shall expose more of myself and my soul in my blog posts.

And I’d also love to hear about you. Don’t be shy. Get in touch.