You have probably heard the expression:

The Grass is Always Greener….On The Other Side of The Fence

I say that is GARBAGE.

I believe that the grass is greener where you water and care for it.

I find that if my focus is on what other people are doing or what they have, then I am wasting valuable energy in comparison mode. How often do you go down the comparison rabbit hole?

How to water your own grass.

Firstly be on the lookout. When you notice someone has it better than you do it means there’s something important here for you. Ask yourself the following questions:

What is it that I want?

What can I do to move closer to what I want?

Instead of enviously watching your neighbours load up their car with suitcases for yet another trip away, plan your own getaway – even if it’s as simple as camping an hours drive away. It isn’t the destination that is important, it’s what you make of it. There are plenty of unhappy people laid on beaches.

Instead of wishing your partner was as romantic as your co-worker’s, who just had a surprise bouquet of flowers delivered to her, initiate romance yourself. Wherever you are at in your relationship you can make it better. And that goes for ALL RELATIONSHIPS – not just romantic ones.

These examples are very simplistic but the message is important. When you start to think the grass is greener in someone else’s yard – turn your attention back to your own and offer it some love and attention and see what blooms.

Take action. Water your own garden.

You’re worth it.

Hugs, Vicky xxx