I often get sucked into the time warp that is Facebook. And right now there are a slew of people doing quizzes to discover what animal / colour / planet they are. Seemingly enjoying the feedback from these micro personality tests which may (or may not) hold valuable insight.


Anyways, no test here – sorry if I sucked you in on promise of getting more insight into yourself, but if you stay a while you might get some insight anyway, just YOU will have to do the internal search instead of a pre-typed paragraph with supposed sixth sense abilities.


I do enjoy when a speaker includes a story to illustrate a point. Recently I heard 2, each having an animal analogy to enhance their stories.


The first talk was a lady motivating kids to find the leader within. She had so much energy it was infectious. You could see the children captivated by her. I was too, but not so captivated that I didn’t miss this great fact about Geese (you never know what you’ll learn at a leadership talk).


Geese work as a team.

They fly in formation (for practical bird reasons) and at some point in the flight the leader passes off the leader role, this is practical because it’s the most exhausting place to fly – at the front, but also it allows less experienced Geese a learning opportunity to lead the flock. AND, if one of the Geese is injured and needs to land, they aren’t left to fend for themselves like an emotional Wild Cat documentary I watched, no, 2 experienced fliers will land with the injured bird and then the 3 will join up with another flock when all is good again.


Canadian Geese are quite a pain in the rear if you ask me. I have Goose poo all over my lawn when they come to visit. And they can be vicious. I’d rather face oncoming traffic to avoid running too close to a Goose. Anyway, my issues aside, I have a huge newfound respect for Geese. What civilized creatures they are.


Crabs on the other hand…. I listened to a second speech which enlightened me to the fact that if you put a single crab in a bucket they will likely escape but if you put several crabs in a bucket – not one will get out. Why? Because as soon as one starts to make headway another will pull it back down to suffer the same fate as the rest. Crazy!


So I’m guessing by this point you identify with the Goose. But be honest, don’t you get a little crabby?


And how often have you been on the receiving end of a crabby woman? (Guys can be crabby too, but I’m more concerned with women supporting women right now).


And what about when you experience a combination of the two? Let’s say you have a friend that is all Goosy while you are down on your luck or life is going along as normal, but turns Crabby when you get some good fortune. What do you do with that?


Well, the easy answer is “don’t take it personally”, she’s behaving badly because she feels badly about how it reflects on her life. I say that is the “easy” answer because “HOW CAN SHE BEHAVE LIKE A TOTAL CRAB, NOW, AFTER ALL THAT WE HAVE BEEN THROUGH???” is what you are fuming over right now.


Likewise, if you find yourself lacking Goosy goodness and on the wrong side of Crabby callousness, if you dare, analyze what about her news / situation is making you feel bad. Sounds like a change needs to happen.


Are you ready???

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