Month: February 2016

How to make a Dream Board Wallpaper for your Computer

I have wanted to make a vision board for years. Countless people have sworn to the value of it and the incredible results they have received for having gone through the process of creating it and putting it in a place they can see it often.

Who wouldn’t want their dreams to come true?!? So why did it take so long for me to do?

Because the idea of making a dream / vision board felt like a lot of work.

Leafing through magazines. Cutting out inspiring images, quotes and words and hoping they match up enough to my dreams, which incidentally, I wasn’t too sure of either because I hadn’t spared it too much thought.

Once I put some time and effort into my hopes and dreams I saw what an exciting future I could have.

As the saying goes, “time will pass anyway”, so I may as well give it some direction.

I thought of making a Dream Board in Pinterest but I won’t look at it everyday, which is when I decided to make the wallpaper on my computer screen my Dream Board. Perfect.


Extra bonus here is that I get the images online which means I can find exactly what I’m looking for.

If you are not familiar with Picmonkey or want a refresher then try squishing my nose with your curser below and watch the video to see how I created my Dream Board Wallpaper for my computer. And below the video is a PDF printable you can sign up for which includes a worksheet with prompts for getting your dreams out of your head and on to paper.

Screen Shot 2016-02-25 at 5.37.49 PM
Click Here to Get PDF and Worksheet

I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to see your dream boards, please come and share them in the Facebook group.

Until then, hugs, Vicky xx

4 Quotes to Keep You Focused on Your Dreams

In the last couple of weeks we have been focusing on Dreams and Desires.

You were invited to ask yourself “What’s Your Dream?” When we have moved away from thinking deeply about what we want for our lives, it takes time and effort to get back to dreaming for ourselves and not just for others, namely our children.

Then we got into Dream Project Mode where we first had to acknowledge that our dreams won’t just turn up in a nice neat package at the door. Having clear visions of our dreams is extremely powerful and then we must get down to the work of making our dreams a reality.

Now I think it’s time for some momentum boosting.

I personally LOVE quotes. As an admitted waffler (I have edited this post about 6 times to save you from even more waffle), I love the summary of a powerful thought in a single sentence.

The best quotes bring up an emotion.

Either it makes me feel “hell yes!!!”, or gives me an AHA moment.

The following four quotes I have printed out and posted on my wall to give me visual inspiration and motivation when I feel in a slump.

Quote-if your dreams don't scare

Whether your dream is to own a sprawling horse ranch, be your own boss, or sing in front of a thousand people, if it doesn’t scare you, dream bigger.

The dreaming is the enjoyable part. It’s the work that comes with it that should be scary.

If you are a gazillionaire then dropping the money to buy the ranch and find the staff wouldn’t be a stretch. Being your own boss by starting an Equestrian Healing Centre and having to make yourself visible to get clients could scare the whatsits out of you AND THAT is what makes your dream “big enough”.

Pay attention to what scares you.

Quote-Never give up on a dream

It is waaaaay too easy to see someones success and compare it to your beginning. DON’T. We are all living our own lives. Comparison is a rabbit hole you don’t want to be going down.

So, start on your own path now. Each step will get you closer.

Like the quote says, time is passing anyway, so you might as well be moving closer to your dreams.

Make an effort to do something everyday that will get you closer to your dreams.

Quote-Don't be most people

No judgement here. Just a nudge to not be like most people.

And because we are still comparing, we can’t help ourselves, remember, just because someone has a nice house, fancy car and 3 vacations a year, a societal declaration on the dram life, it does not mean they are living THEIR dream. If they were dreaming of singing in front of adoring fans but do nothing more than sing in their own car then they run the risk of getting to the end of their life with that dream still inside them – never fulfilled.

Quote-note to self

The ONLY person who can make anything happen for yourself is you. You are the one ultimately responsible for your own happiness.

And I’m sure you are happy.

AND imagine your level of happiness fulfilling your dreams.

So, if you are ready to get working and you would like these inspirational quotes to print off and look at for inspiration get them by clicking the button below.

Click Here to Get Printables


Hugs, Vicky x

Will You Answer the Door?

Take time to dream. Dream big. Dream often.

But don’t leave it at that. You must go beyond where most others turn back.

Once you have a dream, there will come a knock on the door.

Should you choose to answer this knock, it won’t be your dream sitting nicely packaged there on the step, no, it will be your “Dream Project Manager”, waiting and ready for action.

I think it is important to keep you dream consistently in sight. It’s like when you are thinking of buying a new car. All of a sudden you notice all the car commercials on TV, on bus shelters, in the newspaper, EVERYWHERE. Have they always been there? Yes, it just wasn’t relevant to you until now.

If you keep your dreams top of mind you’ll start to see opportunities to go after them. So, put them on a board or write them out and carry in your purse or simply commit to going through the vision daily in your mind. I believe the vision will help you stay on track and remind you why you need to stick with your “Dream Project Manager”, because what comes next may not be pretty.

Your Dream Project Manager is gonna make you work.

Dream Project Mgr small

Your Dream Project Manager will need you to get out of your comfort zone.

This is why we are not all “living the dream”. It takes effort to break the magnetic pull of our comfort zones. We get to the outer edge of that comfort zone and feel the resistance.

It is a conscious choice EVERY TIME we feel that resistance. Do we push through?

Or do we go back to our comfort zone?

I personally don’t know anyone who hasn’t gone back to their comfort zones. We’ve ALL done it. We’ve all given up on something.

And we’ve all experienced pushing through our resistance.

What feels second nature to you today was once a huge deal. When you booked your first vacation for yourself, when you got your first job, when you purchased a home or started a family, you likely had to learn a lot and move way out of your comfort zone.

Now it’s time to claim the dreams that are special to you.
And it’s time to do the work.

You’ve worked hard for everyone else. Now it’s time to put your attention on yourself and do this work for you.

Do this once and you will feel more confident dreaming bigger in the future.

You will no longer dread the knock at the door.

Aaaaannnndddd, I’ve made you the printable pictured above. Yaaaay.

Click Here to Get Printable

Put your thoughts on paper. Pretty it up with pictures, colours, whatever works for you. Make it relevant for you. Get prepared to do the work.

As always, I’d love to hear how you are getting on. Get in touch with me and come join in the facebook group.

Hugs, Vicky xx

Welcome to Hollywood. What’s your dream?

Now, you are all my peeps so I’m counting on you to know where that title quote came from.

Kicking off our month of dreams and desires starts with getting acquainted with our dreams and desires. How often do you have this juicy conversation. With yourself? With your partner? With family or friends? In fact you may be more likely to tell your hairdresser of your dreams because it feels safer.

So, what’s with that? Is it because your hairdresser won’t pass judgment on your dreams? Or check in on you every time they see you? Is it because you don’t feel you’ll have to follow through, as if the hairdresser really cares?

Hmmmmm. What is it with playing the dreams and desires card close to our chests?

Sometimes it’s because we’ve lost touch with our dreams.

In getting through our daily and weekly tasks we don’t put time aside for such a frivolous idea as daydreaming.

It has almost become a badge of motherly honour to give up your dreams when you start a family so you can help them pursue theirs.

And you were hypnotized by that way of thinking for a while, just like I was. But we’re emerging, before it’s too late. We aren’t waiting for retirement.

We are the role models who are 100% there for our families AND 100% there for ourselves too.



If you are still struggling with that quote it’s from Pretty Woman. Such a classic. Must watch it with my 14 year old – although I will be seriously a little heart broken if she doesn’t love it like I do.

pretty woman
(Picture found on

Anyways, back to our dreams.

I……you guessed it…….made a little printable, see below. On the printable I’ve broken life down into 9 sections. They may not apply to you perfectly so please, change as needed.

Be curious. Be inspired. Be courageous.

This is for you. Nobody is going to make you do anything you don’t want to do, so feel safe in truly exploring some new and maybe even wild idea’s.

Don’t scoff at your dreams. Don’t talk yourself out of them.

This week is SOLELY about exploring your dreams and desires. Feel them and enjoy.

Dream On!!!!

Click Here to Get Printable

This Book Helped my Self-Awareness

My perspectives have changed so much over the last 5 years. I like myself soooo much more now. At least as much as I liked myself at 10 years old. It was downhill from there.

And I have good ol’ self-awareness to thank for this new self-lovin’.

Having picked up a love for reading later in life (don’t tell this to my kids, they must do as I say, not as I did ;)) I was stunned that I’d be so affected by a book. This book – The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.

Four Agreements 800x800

2 of the agreements are pretty standard.

  • Be Impeccable With Your Word
  • Always Do Your Best

It was the other 2 that we life altering for me.

  • Never Make Assumptions
  • Never Take Anything Personally

They’re so understated yet powerful.

So obvious that I thump my head wondering why I hadn’t thought of these before.

To never make assumptions often goes hand in hand with not taking anything personally.

How somebody behaves is all about them.

I personally can’t think of any exceptions on this.

There was one time when a woman almost reversed her car into my daughter. I bent my ring banging on her back window to stop her. Needless to say my emotions were running high. I shouted at her. I started repeating myself in my rant before I ran out of emotion and let her go. I kept it clean, my kid was watching, but even without profanity, shouting just made me scary to her, not necessarily heard and understood.

Had I said to her, more calmly, “you came too close to hurting my daughter, and scared the living daylight out of me” she would have undoubtedly been mortified and apologetic. She would never wish to hurt anyone. She would have been able to respond from feeling my fear and not from fearing me.

Neither scenario gets her off the hook of her own personal responsibility. She is in charge of a great big hunk of metal that can be lethal. She MUST be careful, ESPECIALLY around a school. There is nobody else to blame for her mistake. How I responded to her mistake is the part that is not to be taken personally. Those were my emotions and I could have responded a million different ways.

The fact that I lost my best friend at age 10 to getting hit by a car has made me that crazy parent that screamed at her children in parking lots for being more that 2 feet away from me. I have relaxed on that a little as my kids are now ages 9 – 14 and would never go out with me in public again if I didn’t get a grip on that. But other people in those parking lots (I’m probably notorious in a few) may have made assumptions of what life might be like at home for my kids. “Poor kids with a mother that bellows at them like that”. Which would be a horribly wrong assumption. Just a mother who has a story that makes her a tad crazy in this one situation

So how does this tie in with self-awareness? Because, as well intentioned as we may be, we will still take things personally and we will still make assumptions. And we will slip on being impeccable with our word and we won’t always do our best.

However, as I like to say, when you know better you do better. And now you’ve had these gems brought to the forefront of your attention (and by the way, I love you for reading this far), when you do fall off the band wagon there are gold nuggets of information there.

Where do you still make assumptions?

What do you repeatedly take personally?

What causes the slip in impeccability?

How are you falling short of doing your best?

Aaaaaand I’ve made you a printable. Aaaaand I’ll send you a copy of my own real life examples on there in case you need a prompt.

Download it below and as always feel free to get in touch with me. And we’d love to see you in the facebook group.

Click Here to Get Printables