There’s an area in your life (several in mine) that makes you feel restless.

There’s a change that’s brewing.

You are ready for a change but are resistant to making that first move. Partly because you are not sure what that first move should be.

Well, how about you try this method out?

Firstly, acknowledge where you are now. What is it that you DO NOT want? What isn’t working for you. Be as clear as you can. While you are at it, make sure you are aware and also acknowledge what actions are getting you these unwanted results. Be sure to take responsibility for these actions. Reasoning that “it’s because my boss…..”, “I don’t have…….” won’t help you. If you hear an excuse coming up reword it so you take ownership of your own actions.

You cannot change what you do not own.

Next, put a great deal of thought into where you want to be. What DO you want? Don’t skimp on this step. Make it as detailed as possible. Think S.M.A.R.T. Which stands for Specific (who, what, where, why), Measurable (track your progress, and success), Attainable (Is it reasonably achievable and how so), Relevant (does it meet your needs and is it consistent with who you are), Time Bound (put a date on it). And have a sense on how having this will make you feel.

When you are clear on what you want, again, think “actions”. What are the actions that will get you to the results you want?

You must take it a step further though because action doesn’t come until you have your head in the game.

You MUST check in with what you are thinking.

You can’t continue to think the same as you did before and expect different results.

Yep, it’ll be tricky. Your brain would rather skip the hard work and stick with old routines and thought patterns, but you ain’t having that no more. And you’ll be ready for your mind to start it’s rebellion. If you’ve been reading along you know this is when the “inner critic” will jump to its feet and get up to its tricks of firstly bullishly telling you that you can’t do this, or that you won’t succeed, that there’s no point in trying and if you try to stand up to it it’ll change its tactic to reasoning with you seductively with stories of you not having time, or that something else is more important right now.

Brains Gone Wild. No more!!

If you are ready to get working on this I have made you a worksheet where you can put all your thoughts on paper, in the order in which I described above.

Get the worksheet here:
Click Here to Get Worksheet

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