I’m not a journal keeper, despite many new year, mid year and end of year resolutions, so it’s kind of hard to remember and reflect.

I have a general feeling that 2014 was a big growth year.

As a family we have done well to stay active. All 3 girls swim competitively, Adam is an ultra marathoner and I even managed to get my 2nd ever marathon done.

We’ve also enjoyed lots of family time, despite having a typical busy schedule. We’ve managed to eat most dinners together, spend time on the trails, chill at the cottage and generally hang out with each other.

We’ve also had lots of different experiences – learning to water ski, travelling and night hiking to name a few.

I’ve had a minor infatuation with Paint Nite and now have 4 of my own art pieces hanging around the house.

I turned 40.

What I never seemed to get a grasp on was juicing and generally getting more fruits and veg into the family.

I never lost those elusive 10 pounds, despite training for a marathon (there has to be some skill in that), which in a small part may have had something to do with me not mastering another resolutions of drinking lots of fluids throughout the day.

I never got a schedule in place to get more help around the house. The kids seem to rely on chaos theory to fly under the radar while me and hubby rush around and get it done FAST.

Self-care was pretty rubbish – I think I only got to the hairdresser twice, nail salon three times, facialist – never, my make-up removal routine before bed was barely existent and I probably (definitely) wore track pants WAY too often.

Our social life could have handled a few more nights out with friends, but the kids social lives were rocking.

But I did get my certification as a Life Coach and so I have spent a huge amount of time studying people – which I LOVE to do!!

The biggest message that presented itself to me this year, randomly, and in so many places, is that you NEVER know what somebody else is going through. It’s easy to have compassion for friends, or for those that you hear their whole story, but I experienced it in ways like;

We were at a restaurant being served by a bit of a cranky waitress. I was a bit put off by her. And then I heard her telling some regulars that she had just got back from 3 weeks with her mother because her mother had a heart attack. That changed my perception of her behaviour instantly.

I also learned a lot around reaping what you sow, personal responsibility and generally letting loose and having some fun.

And I have to get a bit craftier about getting all that great wisdom into my kids because they smell those life coaching moments a mile off.

Now I shall get working on this years resolutions, but that’s for a whole different post.

Sept 2014 269

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