I have planned to sit down and write a 3 week menu plan for a loooooong time.

I was probably initially hampered by my husbands resistance to the repeating of dinners. Meanwhile I was repeating dinners more frequently than every 3 weeks basically from lack of mental bandwidth to come up with anything else as I did a supermarket dash for that nights dinner.

So, once I put that dampener out of my mind I decided I would get to the planning.

To feed my household over 3 weeks worth of week day meals meant I had to come up with 15 breakfasts, kid lunches and dinners, 45 kid snacks, plus 15 more mobile snacks for between school and swim.

And you know that with 3 kids, they ain’t all liking the same stuff either.

Quite honestly, I was overwhelmed before I even began. To another mother with 6+ kids (because they all (need to) have insanely great scheduling skills), or other women who can organize just as well, this likely seemed a minor task, but for me, an indecisive Libran, this required big focus.

For months I avoided this project like I’m avoiding the scales right now after indulging in all those holiday chocolates, a bottle of Baileys (not in 1 sitting) and sticky toffee puddings, but then, with New Year approaching, I hedged by bets that I could get the 3 week plan done far easier than removing the 5lbs I guarantee I put on over the holidays.

Anyhoo, I DID IT!!! The plan that is. It’s done. Here’s the proof.

3 week food plan

Now I have my fingers crossed that it was worth it. I have visions of easy night before prep, clockwork school mornings and being able to partake in conversations because I’m not trying to figure out what to piece together and what won’t get my kids booed out of class when the school is doing a “freggies” competition (winners are the class with most fruits and veg over a week).

So, that was my accomplishment for this week. I’ll start on those extra pounds next week 😉

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